
How we work

In a high paced transforming digital world it is often quite a challenge to keep up. We help you to face this challenge with continuous development. This unique way of working allows us to improve fascinating web apps continuously, so that we and our clients always stay ahead of the curve.

Design thinking

At Koek we don’t tackle challenges the easy way, but the best way: Design Thinking. In five steps - which are fully intertwined with our building blocks - any problem can be solved. The time span of this process is up to you. Do you want to boost forward or take it slow? We’re happy to help you either way.

Our Design Thinking process looks like this: First, we empathise with all the people who are engaged to the challenge. Understanding their view of the project and context enables us to create a clear and realistic picture of the challenge. Fuelled with all this knowledge, we go back to the drawing board: how can we frame this opportunity as sharply and relevant as possible? 

Once we’re all on the same page, it’s brainstorm time. In our hackathon room, we exhibit some great ideas and discuss, improve and choose the best ones to prototype with. In this stage, our (UX) designers do their magic trick and translate ideas into first versions. And our in-house developers eventually build a working product in its minimum viable state. Then it’s time to validate the MVP to foresee possible improvements. Does this solution solve the challenge we defined in the first place? Or did the world change in the meantime? 

To keep serving the best solution possible, you need to improve it all the time. Based on information and feedback we gather through the validation phase of Design Thinking or by practicing Data-informed Design as explained below, we make sure your product keeps matching all relevant needs of all people who are engaged with it.

Data-informed Design

Users on your web app are producing valuable data. Collecting and analysing these data will lead to valuable insights. This helps us to make better decisions on how we design and improve products.

For example, we use smart tools to identify how users behave, so we can make products even more convenient and relevant for them. Creating delightful experiences, just the way we like it.

What is data-informed design?

We gather a lot of data from users by using several smart tools. We use this data to draw conclusions on how to improve certain aspects of our web apps to increase user experience.

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